
The 14th Annual Bitchcraft Winter Faire is nearly here! More information coming soon, stay tuned.

About Us

Bitchcraft was born under a full moon in 2008. Four Witchy ladies came together to give birth to a creative movement not yet seen in the Craft Faire world. Loving everything dark & magical they curated a select group of like-minded makers and started a series of craft fairs filled with metal, crystals, magic altars, cape-wearing, wand making, magic adornments, blacksmithing, woodworking, silversmithing, and anything else related to other-worldly realms of the occult.
Since then, Bitchcraft has evolved into a local tradition where badass makers and curators come together to collaborate and sell wares to the occult-loving community around us. This year is our eleventh annual Winter Faire event, and we couldn’t be more proud of being at the heart of this decade-long adventure.

Contact Us

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